Partner with Christ the Rock


Partner with Christ the Rock



Everything we do happens because of your generosity.  Consider becoming one of the giving partners of Christ the Rock Community Church and you will be a part of an impact that goes worldwide.




Give Online

Giving online via PushPay

Text to Give

Text GIVECRCC to 77977

Give on our App

Search CRCCONLINE in your iOS or Google Play app store, download and give via our app

Give In Person

Visit us on Sunday mornings and give in person


In order to make giving faster and simpler, we have transitioned to a new online giving platform called PushPay.

What is Pushpay?

Pushpay is the secure, PCI DSS compliant company that Christ the Rock Community Church has contracted with to provide secure giving.

Why should I set up a login and password with Pushpay?

When you create an account with Pushpay, you have the option for your information including your credit card or debit card to be saved making the next time you give an easier process.

Do I have to create a login with Pushpay in order to give?

No. You can give without creating a login.

Does 100% of my giving go to Christ the Rock Community Church when I give with a credit card or debit card?

For each transaction, CRCC is charged a merchant fee from the credit card companies of approximately 2.3%.  Your bank account is the preferred method so credit card processing fees that take up a portion of your gift can be avoided.

Can I set up recurring giving?

Yes. Choose the recurring tab to set up a gift that you want to give on a regular basis.