Kidz on the Rock (KOR) is CRCC’s children’s ministry. KOR’s mission is to spread the Good News of Christ to children and direct their hearts toward God. We have an amazing team of staff and volunteers that pour into God’s children.

  • We offer KOR for all 3 service times, 9:00am, 10:30am, and 12:00pm.

  • We minister to students ranging from infants to 5th grade in a safe and clean environment. Every classroom has age-specific praise and worship, story-telling, engaging Biblical lessons, games, crafts, and so much more! We also offer Vacation Bible Camp for 1week during the Summer, and fun activities throughout the year! We believe your child will find a place to connect!

KOR curriculum

Infants - 3 Years Old

Children in the Ocean and Garden Classrooms are learning the curriculum “Sure Foundation.”

4 - 5 Years Old

Children in the Ark Classroom are learning the curriculum “He Has Spoken by His Son.”

1st-5th Grade

Children in the Elementary Classrooms are learning the curriculum “The ABCs of God.”

Matthew 19:14

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”


What if I am new to CRCC?

Our team will be happy to direct to you your child(‘s) class where you will register as a first-time guest. Once checked in you will be given a name tag with a code identifier.

What if KOR needs to contact me during service?

In the event that we need to reach you during service regarding your child, we will send you a text message. Please keep your phone nearby during service.

What kind of security check is used for those who serve with the children?

Protection screening includes application process, reference checks, background checks and a personal interview.

How and where do I pick up my child?

You will pick up your child from the same area that you dropped them off. Upon dismissal, our leaders will bring your child to you at the door. There you will be asked to show the name tag issued with a code to identify you (parent pick-up tag). Once we receive your tag and match it to your child’s, your child will be released along with any take home materials to help reinforce the day’s lesson.

What do I do if I lose my pick-up tag?

In the event that you lose your pick-up tag, the Ministry Director will be called and they will verify that you are the child’s parent using your ID. It is also a great idea to take a picture of your tag just in case you lose it.


SHIFT + KOR: Movie Night

SHIFT and KOR are kicking off Spring Break with a movie night! First through fifth grade, join us on Friday, March 28th at 7PM for a time of fun and fellowship. The cost is only $5 so sign up today!

DATE: Friday, March 28th
COST: $5

Registration is open for 1st to 5th grade only

Experience the Wilderness: We are not alone VBC

Summertime and Vacation Bible Camp is a perfect combination for your child! We will have engaging Bible lessons, live praise & worship, crafts, on-site special activities, object lessons, games, food, prizes, and so much more!

AGES: 5-11 years old 
June 23rd -  June 27th


“And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.” – Mark 10:16

Child dedications are for infants through 5 years old. It is a way to commit one's child to God. Parents express their understanding that their children belong to the Lord and that they have been entrusted to raise them well. They express their intent to raise their child in the Lord, hoping that he or she will come to faith in Jesus. 

Our Pastor, along with the body of believers, joins in prayer for the parents and child as well as commit to being a supportive community of faith.

Child Dedications are for our CRCC Members only.

ready to serve in the children’s ministry?